SOC Examinations
System & Organization Controls (SOC)
System and Organization Controls (SOC) reports are a widely accepted platform for organizations to demonstrate the design and effectiveness of their system of internal controls.
SOC reports are issued under Statements on Standards for Attestation Engagements as published by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), and are commonly referred to as SSAE examinations.
SOC for Service Organizations SOC 1
SOC for Service Organizations SOC 2
SOC for Service Organizations SOC 3
SOC for Cybersecurity
SOC for Cybersecurity examinations provides an assessment of an organization’s cybersecurity risk management program. The SOC for Cybersecurity report is designed to be appropriate for any type of organization (not just service organizations). The report use is not restricted and can be distributed freely by management.
SOC for Supply Chain
The SOC for Supply Chain examination is designed to help manufacturers, producers, or distribution organizations communicate information regarding their production, manufacturing, or distribution system and supply chain risk management program.
Our Examination Process
Defined and tested process to streamline your examination, empower you with information, and deliver quality.